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Should i get the Legion Y720 or the T480s? The T480s

has a core i7 8th gen cpu with 8 gigs of ram while the legion has a core i5 7th gen cpu with 16 gigs of ram, both are around the same price

Legion = $626
T480s = $641

which is the better deal?

7 ответов

10 просмотров

does T480 have extra ram slots? If yes go with it. You can always increase ram later.

You're the only one who knows your workload and thus knows what's best for you. btw you should be able to get more RAM. If it's all soldered just don't bother buying.

gunna- Автор вопроса
i’ll be using it to run linux and programming

This is not specific at all. What you do is do the things you normally do and measure stuff and figure out what the bottleneck is. At that point you can make the right decision.

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