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What do you guys think happens to the dead when

they die?

12 ответов

9 просмотров

can't say for all but @Mega666 's gonna be Satan's bitch

It ain't your kinky torture I will deep fry you in boiling oil

The are inside the ground waiting for ressuration and judgement from which the good will enter into heaven and and also into the new Jerusalem but the condemned will be cast into lake of fire. Both are enternal judgment

🍋- Автор вопроса

what's inside the ground? let's say someone was mauled and eaten by Escobar's crocodiles or they were cremated. Also who is this that will judge me? who will present the evidence?

what's inside the ground? let's say someone was m...

Imagine how a great, mighty and intelligent being you are, don't you by mean of how intricate existence is affirm that surely, 1. The creator must be a powerful being. 2. No matter how someone died they will be ressurected because the creator can put their piece together and call their names. 3. The creator does see you in every thing you do and has way of assembling your doing in record for your judgement day. Try to think of existence for a sec just for a sec, how is it? Can you answer, I believe in our creator and in his only begotten son Jesus Christ.

🍋- Автор вопроса

aha. Jesus Christ. I won't question if Adams peepee was created with a single purpose since there was no woman. there's highly probably that I am not intelligent and that's just a fool's reassurance. How is my existence? I haven't found that answer yet and I think finding out what happens when I die might shed some light All I know is that I was once a cell something from someone else from someone else from someo... But if this creator guy is all powerful, it also means this guy can hypothetically decide "everyone let's take the party to heaven" ?

aha. Jesus Christ. I won't question if Adams peepe...

Sadly we would never know what exactly happens since even mild cases of death are pretty deadly. However you can thought of it very literal in which case nothing happens or you can believe in one of these stories

Friday Candour [Ask to PM]
Imagine how a great, mighty and intelligent being ...

The entire concept of this is easily dismissed with a single paradoxical question, which demonstrates that religion is nothing but a man made control mechanism.

Kyiro "🐚" Grey
The entire concept of this is easily dismissed wit...

Indeed. I used to be someone who would go out of their way to pinpoint the blatant flaws in religion. However, I came to realize that as long as religions promote better quality of life of it's practitioners and general social stability, then it's fine. However, it's used as a tool to control people for selfish purposes and to get away with wrongdoings after getting caught, which sadly is the case in most situations, then it's setting us back as an species.

🍋- Автор вопроса
Pedro Aguiar
Indeed. I used to be someone who would go out of ...

waiting for Putin to cleanse himself after the war 😶‍🌫😶‍🌫🥶

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