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Us monotheist fucks are trying to get converts as usual,

are there any Hindus here? Or maybe pagans? I don't know much about yours, I'd love to hear your input

6 ответов

37 просмотров

and what's so unique or enticing about this religion.? do they offer free food?

Nader-Jafari Автор вопроса
and what's so unique or enticing about this religi...

Well practically yes during our one of our Eids, people who have done their pilgrimage have to sacrifice sheep(s) and give it away to poor people Jokes aside, it depends on its believer, for me it's an answer to "who or what created the thing that lead to Big Bang?" For you it might be a less doom and gloom answer to "What happens after death?" and apparently for some people it's a source of extreme tribalism (ISIS, EDL etc.)

Nader Jafari
Well practically yes during our one of our Eids, p...

man that question now brings up the fucked up scenario from The family guy

Nader Jafari
Well practically yes during our one of our Eids, p...

big bang has to be one of the most know fairy tale on how earth came into existence. but since we can't find another myth story that best explains earth creation, we are stuck with it.

let's not harsh it with extremism. Just saying "for some a religion is bread and butter" but we can find who is lying by getting to the root of nothing. Since we haven't witnessed reversal of time, can't we just find out what happens to nothing of human being? Nothing meaning death I guess.

Nader-Jafari Автор вопроса
let's not harsh it with extremism. Just saying "...

I don't know really. Apparently we couldn't so we resorted to religions

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