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Take this as an example. You design a cup, it's

the only cup, so people need it and buy it. You profit. A competitor creates a cup, it's better than your cup. What happens? Capitalism dictates that either you redesign your cup to be better then theirs to pull your lost customers back, OR you stop selling your cup and accept that your version isn't needed anymore. What actually happens in our world, is you try to convince your customers that you're cup is better than theirs whether it is or isn't, and try to keep the same cup design so that you don't have to spend money creating a new cup. When that only has marginal effects, naturally, you try to make it cheaper to produce your cup (this is where labor exploitation usually starts). You are incapable of accepting the fact that the time for your cup has ended.

4 ответов

8 просмотров

give the competitor a run for their money by spending every sweat to legally kill their business. e.g. take them to court for stealing your idea

Kyiro "🐚"-Grey Автор вопроса
give the competitor a run for their money by spend...

😂 how quickly you picked up on turning into a CEO

learning from you. be merciless if that's what the heart desires is what I picked from this group today. In the end, we die alone and have to wonder if it really matters.

Kyiro "🐚"-Grey Автор вопроса
learning from you. be merciless if that's what th...

Ultimately, life is "Do what your conscience allows, but forever evaluate whether what your conscience allows harms others". Yeah, we all die alone, but how you feel about it depends on looking back on the life you lived and determining whether or not you held yourself to your own standards, and who you were as a person.

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