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Am i the only one who does that? 👀

29 ответов

9 просмотров

Nope. But I don't go looking for diapers

Harshit-Jindal Автор вопроса
Duvvuri Bhuvanesh
Nope. But I don't go looking for diapers

you can’t always fight the temptation to click on featured products :p

Hell, I've got rid of google services installed a custom rom, using cash and cards life's much better without google and other bf ads

Harshit-Jindal Автор вопроса
Duvvuri Bhuvanesh
Mostly UPI

Upi is best thing happened to india man

Harshit-Jindal Автор вопроса
Upi is best thing happened to india man

when i first tried UPI, it used to make me switch to 2 different apps to get the payment across. it only got better once google pay and paytm started using UPI pin to get the payment through

Upi is best thing happened to india man

I miss, the tradeoffs for watching the documentary of Snowden and paranoia

Harshit-Jindal Автор вопроса
Google pay is really bad man

i mostly use amazon pay ** partly because google pay keeps asking for card verification every other day, so I could be out somewhere in a hurry and randomly it’ll go like what are the grid numbers on the back of your card 🤷🏻‍♂️

Though Indian banks are little monopolized for depending on google play and location services and not distributing their apps other than App store, and playstore. Yet there's nothing can be done.

Well it's because bank customers are dumb

Well it's because bank customers are dumb

Yep, but there's no alternative yet, other than crypto, and not everyone is a fan of it

Harshit-Jindal Автор вопроса
Duvvuri Bhuvanesh
Though Indian banks are little monopolized for dep...

how can they distribute their apps outside of the appstore anyway? (if i understood your comment properly) because external means will likely NOT guarantee that the app hasn’t been tampered with, eg: using 3rd party app repositories

Duvvuri Bhuvanesh
Yep, but there's no alternative yet, other than cr...

I mean bank customer don't know anything other than Google Play/apple store

Harshit Jindal
how can they distribute their apps outside of the ...

Amazon and other services have came up with their own store heck even Paytm has its own store now

Harshit-Jindal Автор вопроса
Amazon and other services have came up with their ...

ou okay, isn’t it against apple’s TOC though?

Amazon and other services have came up with their ...

@harshitjindal I was thinking about amazon app store

Harshit-Jindal Автор вопроса
Harshit Jindal
i like apple haha 😁

You will die with them then

Harshit Jindal
i like apple haha 😁

It's not as bad as Everyone else, but the best way is to use degoogled Androids or Linux smart phones like pinephone etc

You will die with them then

no he'll just lose consciousness when he buys and installs iBrain

Harshit-Jindal Автор вопроса
You will die with them then

no i mean, it’s clean and elegant, although they do have some very very veryy annoying things about they way they provide aftersales service

Harshit-Jindal Автор вопроса

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