169 похожих чатов

Do you have any personal opensource projects? @AlexanderSGC

22 ответов

16 просмотров

I'm writing patches for OpenWrt to add support for my router. I also have a collection of AppArmor profiles, but I haven't updated it in a long time.

systemrebooting-Jindal Автор вопроса
Alexander Gnatyuk
I'm writing patches for OpenWrt to add support for...

I have tplink ac1200 Archer C5 router which is v6 hardware version

systemrebooting-Jindal Автор вопроса

Done that it's only upto v5 and I have v6

systemrebooting Jindal
Done that it's only upto v5 and I have v6

Then you'll need to learn what hardware your device has. Best case scenario: it's a rebranded version and you just need to take image for other version or device. If not, you'll have to gather as much technical details about the device as you can, see if the chips on it are already supported and write a simple patch (a makefile rule + device tree (.dts) file) for your specific device. Worst case is if there are chips on it that are not supported at all, then you'll need to patch the drivers.

systemrebooting-Jindal Автор вопроса
Alexander Gnatyuk
Are you sure it's not C50?

I'm sorry it's c50 you are right

systemrebooting Jindal
I'm sorry it's c50 you are right

Now it makes sense. See this 1. Forum posts about this device: https://forum.openwrt.org/search?q=archer%20c5%20v6 2. Official source code for this device: https://static.tp-link.com/resources/gpl/Archer%20C50_V6_GPL.tar.gz Some people on the forum had limited success using OpenWrt images for v5 on v6, but you have to be careful with stuff like this and absolutely make backups of flash partitions before attempting this.

systemrebooting-Jindal Автор вопроса
Alexander Gnatyuk
Now it makes sense. See this 1. Forum posts about ...

I'll try to compile from source, wish me me good fortune in the wars to come.

systemrebooting-Jindal Автор вопроса

I'll ping you when I'm stuck

systemrebooting-Jindal Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
??? Wtf

I'm not allowed to know the specifications of my router

systemrebooting Jindal
I'm not allowed to know the specifications of my r...

Even though you can probably figure them out based on the source code they gave you xD

systemrebooting Jindal
I'm not allowed to know the specifications of my r...

That's not the most absurd thing, mind you. I remember when some manufacturer said that size (physical dimensions) of a chip or some other part in a device is "confidential". Next time: the email you wrote to is confidential. Manufacturer's name is confidential. The amount of atoms in a water molecule is confidential 😂

systemrebooting-Jindal Автор вопроса
Alexander Gnatyuk
Even though you can probably figure them out based...

Yep... But it'll up for a good meme though 🤣.

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