169 похожих чатов

Oh and not such an unexpected news but the one

who did it is the owner of the deployer of the token :)

12 ответов

5 просмотров

@LeafAdmin Your dev scammed you

Niccoló- Автор вопроса

or actually, looking at that more carefully I can't prove this, I mean it's proved that it's the dev that fucked up sending tokens to the pair but I can't prove he benefitted from that, the second tx that sells the token emptying the pair seems to be just a bot scanning for opportunities like that, I'll try to see if I can find an evident link between the two addresses

D Rabus
@LeafAdmin Your dev scammed you

I am Only One in Team. So how i Scam to Own.

Niccoló- Автор вопроса
Leaf 🌿 Protocol || Manager
I am Only One in Team. So how i Scam to Own.

so did you fire this tx? https://bscscan.com/tx/0x10ed4783c7cc7b5cd47a372e3f584f10cd7b2ccd13e34e48a7b47c5b5339f6bb

or actually, looking at that more carefully I can'...

Yes seems like a bot, this is what i was wondering

so did you fire this tx? https://bscscan.com/tx/0x...

Yeah. When I add Liquidity in Pancakeswap. I got One Transaction Confirmation. When I Confirmed. They My all Holded BNB Sended to Pool.

Niccoló- Автор вопроса
D Rabus
Yes seems like a bot, this is what i was wondering

on "how that happened" the bot just exploited the difference between balance in tokens and reserve that was made by the dev directly sending tokens to the pool address

the first one it's his error, ok But who fired the second one, seems a bot and he clearly sold these tokens. So if someone send tokens by error to lp, anyone can sell them? 😨wtf? 😆

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