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Folks, have a question on behalf of a friend. Are

there any resources for low-level programming in general? (to be specific, the guy's looking for something to help understand how low-level memory allocation, like malloc() and free() works)

10 ответов

7 просмотров

i'd take an OS course (not linux or anything in especific but general OS subject's ) and for the resource's , there are a lot of em in youtube just search (Nesso academy is a good one)

Neso academy OS playlist isn't good, like the videos are good but it doesn't explain anything, just the basics of os, not even memory management

c++ group


Siddarth-R Iyer Автор вопроса
i'd take an OS course (not linux or anything in es...

yeah but the theory is not really where I have an open question — I know the overall theory pretty well, about virtual and physical memory and how the OS virtualizes address spaces and performs allocations with chunking and defragmenting deallocated spaces. But this doesn't translate at all to knowing how it's implemented, which is why I can't really help him

''''''' '''''''
Neso academy OS playlist isn't good, like the vide...

but it's a good starting point , ofc if they wanted to dig even dipper they should start learning about how to design an OS one thing why i couldn't put up with C/C++ was these lack of tutorials for advanced matters , but it was very welcoming in rust (memory management is explained very nicely in their official docs) , so yeah i'd suggest learning rust as well (if they don't insist on C/C++)


at least i couldn't find anything at the time

then i could suggest using resource's like this or reading freebsd books which explain how their OS is implemented also there is this one which is rust 😁

Siddarth-R Iyer Автор вопроса
then i could suggest using resource's like this or...

oh thank you! This does look helpful, I'll direct him to read this and check if it helps

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