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Sorry I'm not up to date with Russian Ukraine news

but what exactly is Putin hoping to achieve with this message? 👀

7 ответов

40 просмотров

all of the dragon balls

He already did achieve what he wanted with messages like these. Messages like this causes fear in countries so they buy oil and natural gas in panic to fill their reserves in case war spills out. Now Russian Ruble is stable and there's less reason to worry, economically at least that there will be hyper inflation in Russia because of all the sanctions.

Dumbo- Автор вопроса
Manav | avoid unnecessary messaging me
He already did achieve what he wanted with message...

ooo the economics of war, tyty for enlightening me :D so ig chances of Putin actually going nuts and launching a nuclear war is next to nil

Manav | avoid unnecessary messaging me
He already did achieve what he wanted with message...

Except the flaw in that where half the earth cannot accept the ruble as currency

Kyiro "🐚" Grey
Except the flaw in that where half the earth canno...

yeah, well could be preparations for when sanctions are actually lifted. Also not crashing ruble means they can pay their citizens in ruble. What happened to Venezuela won't happen (for now at least) to Russia.

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