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What'S the point of using YT if not for its


32 ответов

7 просмотров


Usma Csce

You can subscribe locally for free though.

Usma Csce

1. Install NewPipe 2. Subscribe to channels without logging in 3. Categorize channels and have multiple feeds (optional) 4. Stop paying YT for no reason

please take a look at SE/6S, compare that to any Android phone

Usma Csce
screenshot please take a look at SE/6S, compare that to any A...

I can run Android as Lineage OS years after official support has ended though.

Alexander Gnatyuk
I can run Android as Lineage OS years after offici...

Why don’t Android phone makers support their phones though

Alexander Gnatyuk
At least they aren't overpriced for no reason.

That’s not, budget variants are a good deal

Usma Csce
That’s not, budget variants are a good deal

idk what can be good in a phone where the manufacturer refuses to acknowledge their repeated mistakes and design flaws and prohibits chip manufacturers from selling chips for the device.

- oveprices their shit on the same level Lenovo Thinkpad and Dell XPS are just as pricey - AND refuses to take responsibility - AND blames the customer - AND avoids warranty Like every fucking corporation? Corporations hate being liable - AND doesn't learn after their mistakes Again, Lenovo and Dell, for example, have their own history of repeated issues

Usma Csce
- oveprices their shit on the same level Lenovo Th...

You don't seem to notice the logical AND operator

I had all kinds of laptops which were just as pricey as MacBooks and they all had stupid problems Lenovo ThinkPads with their screen lottery, Dell XPSs with their wiggly touchpads and software problems Now I have MacBook Air M1 and it feels like it will crack any second, feels very fragile

Your description doesn't meet the criteria I established above.

Usma Csce
I had all kinds of laptops which were just as pric...

Any words on dell inspiron series? Not as expensive as macs but still

Why even bother asking a apple user

yes zig stickers

Alexander Gnatyuk
Your description doesn't meet the criteria I estab...

I’ve never had any serious issues with Apple products an Apple supports their products for a long time, it’s all that matters to me

Starting fights

i would rather have a zig vs rust than apple vs other brands

great pack

If the data is not backed up it deserves to be lost 🥲

Usma Csce
If the data is not backed up it deserves to be los...

Doesn't make it ethical for a company to lie about being unable to do recovery, to ban people for saying it can be done and to call recovery experts frauds.


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