169 похожих чатов

Which one's better? or any other recommendations? Seagate - https://www.amazon.in/dp/B094QYJJGX?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_HWJ9VB0VEBSRRVM2A4H5 WesternDigital -


9 ответов

10 просмотров

Never buy external hard drives. They put anything they have laying around in them. With internal HDDs at least you've got a spec sheet telling you what you're buying. You can then put it in a case with a USB adapter and have external drive. Also make sure you aren't buying an SMR drive if you intend to use it in an array.

Alexander Gnatyuk
Never buy external hard drives. They put anything ...

Too lazy to Google on a phone - why avoid smr in arrays?

Alexander Gnatyuk
Never buy external hard drives. They put anything ...

so you saying external harddisk doesnt have the spec the say in the specsheet

Martin Rys
Too lazy to Google on a phone - why avoid smr in a...

Much slower I/O causes problems for ZFS, especially when rebuilding RAID arrays. The controversy began when WD started selling SMR drives without disclosing them as SMR as part of there Red line intended for NAS systems. They eventually got a class action filed against them for this.

Fan / Ac
i dont get it 🤔🤔

For internal HDDs you can find a PDF on manufacturer's website describing various properties of the drive. For external HDDs though, there is no such document. It's a lottery - you don't know what you get until you pay for it.

'''''''-''''''' Автор вопроса
Alexander Gnatyuk
For internal HDDs you can find a PDF on manufactur...

What other specs matter other than rpm and capacity?

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