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Well you probably get in trouble with the legal team

of your company because courts dont know what spdx is. However we can put an spdx at the beginning and the rest of it at the end, right?

4 ответов

7 просмотров

Also courts don't matter here. International copyright laws say that everything is restricted unless you know for a fact that it isn't. So if you don't have a written agreement with the author of the software, you treat it as if you have no rights to it unless you can verify the opposite by looking at things like a license file or SPDX identifier in each source file. Then all you need to do if you ever get to court is find an expert witness that will say "yes, it is common in our industry to put licenses of this sort in LICENSE.txt and their identifiers at the top of source files".

How do you think courts make decisions in other fields? The judge 99.9% of the time doesn't know anything about the subject and neither does the jury. That's why you have an expert witness.

Isn't jury only present in criminal cases? 🤔

Isn't jury only present in criminal cases? 🤔

I'm not an American, but I think in USA they handle both criminal and civil cases. But people there can also waive the right to a jury trial such as in arbitration. Can somebody here confirm this? My knowledge is basically movies plus youtube 😅

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