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Someone shared a link and I uhh already opened it, but

just curious how do u check whether a link is malicious ?
(other than running it thru some antimalware service like virustotal)

10 ответов

32 просмотра

The answer to your exact question is "you can't, not until someone gets hacked". However I can answer a different question: how to reduce your chances of being affected: 1. threat level analysis (who is it from? Why should I open it? Does the link look unusual? and so on) coupled with understanding of hacking (what can be exploited and how?) 2. uBlock Origin with custom rules like no third party domains or no javascript 3. up to date browser 4. sandboxes or containers or virtual machines or separate physical machines 5. kernel-level security modules like AppArmor or SELinux 6. realize that there are zero day and zero click exploits and you will never be 100% safe unless you get rid of everything and go live in the woods

Dumbo- Автор вопроса
Alexander Gnatyuk
The answer to your exact question is "you can't, n...

ty sarrr 🙏 1. speaking of, the link was shortened(?) with images.app.goo.gl, it'd redirect to an article, sent by someone who seems to have some infosec/possibly blackhat experience, tho I don't think he was trying to do anything shady, I'm just curious 2. I've had uBlock but just stock settings 3. browser should be up to date 4. I prob should start using social media/messengers in VMs 🙃 and have VPN on 24/7 hah

ty sarrr 🙏 1. speaking of, the link was shortened...

For me personally any shortened link is suspicious. But if you need to open it, it is easy to resolve it prior to loading the page.

Dumbo- Автор вопроса
Alexander Gnatyuk
For me personally any shortened link is suspicious...

if I send the link, would u mind help check 👀

Dumbo- Автор вопроса
Alexander Gnatyuk
What can I do that you can't?

things like figuring out whether the shortened link is doing anything it's not supposed to hah but wait ur saying to check the shortened link to see the target URL, before letting the target URL load right ?

things like figuring out whether the shortened lin...

I told you, it is impossible to know for sure. Yes.

Dumbo- Автор вопроса
Alexander Gnatyuk
I told you, it is impossible to know for sure. Ye...

oh welp 🙃 I briefly looked into how the images.app.goo.gl was generated but haven't seen much

Dumbo- Автор вопроса
Dumbo- Автор вопроса

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