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If someone offers you a project of building a website

with backend how much will you charge??

Nearly 12-15 pages and 3 forms

8 ответов

8 просмотров
hydrozzen- Автор вопроса

I checked on some freelancing website ,I fell there bargaining will take place (coz the prices are too high) So I just want to know the market rate of building a website

I checked on some freelancing website ,I fell ther...

It's your effort. How much do you think is your hourly rate and then multiply it by how long you can finish the website. If it's too much for the client, adjust it by milestone or give a one time discount or something

hydrozzen- Автор вопроса
Agent Q | You PM me, You Pay
It's your effort. How much do you think is your ho...

Hmm that's okay,but I want to the rate, actually I haven't done something like this

Agent Q | You PM me, You Pay
It's your effort. How much do you think is your ho...

This approach fails if the current market price range is entirely different. I may want to charge a lot, but the market won't let me unless what I provide is so much better or something not a lot of people do.

Alexander Gnatyuk
This approach fails if the current market price ra...

The thing about our service is the ability to negotiate. Customers will always want cheap and good but finicky for speed

Agent Q | You PM me, You Pay
The thing about our service is the ability to nego...

You are unlikely to negotiate a "too much" price for average work. Even with negotiations the market has limits.

Alexander Gnatyuk
You are unlikely to negotiate a "too much" price f...

I guess what you're saying is for the OP, charge within the market limits, if OP can find that out

Agent Q | You PM me, You Pay
I guess what you're saying is for the OP, charge w...

Sure. I would first look at how much people charge (min, max, avg, median) for this type of work. If I can I would also find out how much people are willing to pay. Then see the skills / experience required for specific price ranges. Find out my place in the market. Obviously taking into account currency and location of the market. Then maybe increase what I charge a little for bargaining advantage.

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