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Trying to convince others to start using a password manager

for their work and study and being that a lot of browsers have password managers built-in. What do you think of them?

11 ответов

8 просмотров

Especially after the stunt of google with their authenticator i completly lost the trust to them. the browserpasswordmanager is nice, but its usually limited to the browser and its sync method, so you can't put in the password into an app when onky the browser has the password saved. managers like keepass also have an history of the password, so if you need an older password you can use it and have no problems if the password change failed.

Agent Q-| You PM me, You Pay Автор вопроса
Especially after the stunt of google with their au...

Yeah that's true. I've just read that the reason for this rise of built-in password managers in browsers is because of passkeys. Apparently, I wasn't aware that I was already using passkeys when I login with Google.

Agent Q | You PM me, You Pay
Yeah that's true. I've just read that the reason f...

I am currently using keepass, but im waiting for vaultwarden to support sso. Then i can support them more easily if they lost their passwort to their account.

Agent Q | You PM me, You Pay
Yeah that's true. I've just read that the reason f...

Passkeys isn't just logging in with google, it needs some other steps. Are you sure you're using them? They're very recent and not a lot of apps/websites support them yet

Which password manager would you recommend?

Agent Q-| You PM me, You Pay Автор вопроса
Which password manager would you recommend?

KeepassXC is what I use but when I showed it to a bunch of people, they scoffed. Pfft

Agent Q | You PM me, You Pay
KeepassXC is what I use but when I showed it to a ...

I prefer keepassxc, because it has an better ui and has an better security when it comes to accessing passwords in applications.

The normal keepass browserintegration uses http over an networksocket. Keepassxc uses an filesocket that is bound to the user & doesn't block port on multiuser systems

The normal keepass browserintegration uses http ov...

You can use the browser integration for native messaging with keepass as well

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