169 похожих чатов

Hello nice people Any mechanical keyboards you would suggest?

8 ответов

37 просмотров


Steelseries apex Pro

The whole point of a mechanical keyboard is that you buy the one that fits you best personally, and maybe customize to fit your needs further. Asking others for a suggestion defeats that purpose, unless it's your first purchase.

mohammad- Автор вопроса

I don't know really, up to 100. Euro maybe? Something around that

mohammad- Автор вопроса
Mahbub Hasan
The whole point of a mechanical keyboard is that y...

It is my first time buying mechanical keyboard

It is my first time buying mechanical keyboard

Do you prefer tactile sound or silent typing experience?

Mahbub Hasan
Do you prefer tactile sound or silent typing exper...

The defining feature of a tactile switch is the "bump" in the middle of the keypress. Tactile = feel The defining feature of a clicky switch is exactly what it sounds like: the click. Click switches are loud The other mainstream type is linear

Raptor Blue Bear
The defining feature of a tactile switch is the "b...

You focus too much on the language. I think he understood what I'm saying, this ain't a university and I'm not getting paid for suggestions.

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