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Can I ask for suggestions? I want to price myself

adequately. I am taking the step of going freelance, as a Senior Java/React dev with 10 years worth of experience. How much should I charge hourly?

I was taking about 30eur/h (33$/h) last time I did it, but feel like to me it's quite low for the global average. I've heard of people charging 100$/h and others 50$/h.
I don't know how to price myself properly tbh

4 ответов

9 просмотров

It depends™ If you think you can price yourself for $100 and find takers go for it.

Martin is right saying it depends, but without knowing more I'd say go at least with 60 but aim for 80, something like that. It will still be considered quiet cheap

Sofia-Handle With Care Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
It depends™ If you think you can price yourself f...

I know it depends, I’m looking for a middle ground to start thinking about- in my opinion my time, as the time of any other human being, is worth way more than any money, yet we have to somehow quantify

Sofia-Handle With Care Автор вопроса
Martin is right saying it depends, but without kno...

Thanks! This is helpful :) unfortunately not knowing the market is difficult to make my own price and to know how much my seniority is worth

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