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Anyone using vs code to run Python here? Function argument's features

are not suggesting... Is that normal?

8 ответов

6 просмотров

Sometimes the languageserver needs an restart or one import is broken. Especially the latter happened more often for me.

Human- Автор вопроса
Sometimes the languageserver needs an restart or o...

I restarted the server. Still the same 😢

I restarted the server. Still the same 😢

Its working for me after i fixed the broken imports after installing the missing dependencies or fixed them by hiding them in an try-except

Human- Автор вопроса
Its working for me after i fixed the broken import...

I guess you didn't get my question. def test(a): a. data = [1, 2, 3] test(data) here when I type a. Do the vscode will suggest the functions of a list?

I guess you didn't get my question. def test(a): ...

the test function is missing an annotation for this. Currently it could be an int, a string or a tuple. if you change the signature to def test(a: list): then the language server knows that only lists are accepted and provides the nessesary attributes.

Human- Автор вопроса

No problem.

No problem.

if you want an more specific type i would recommend looking at the typing module (part of the standard lib). It has generic types that can be used to describe an set consisting of floats (Set[float]) or an function argument that itself is an function (Callable).

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