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Would I say that the UK created many problems to

India? Yes
Would I say it is the reason why India is a third world country? No

13 ответов

9 просмотров

I am not saying all problrms India faces today are the result of British occupation but there is no denyiny that there are still issues that still haunt India which have their root in the colonial past. Partition being one, we have had to deal with hostile neighbour because British decided to randomly demarcate lines and finish dividing a country in a month. I already gave the example of the recent clashes in Manipur a direct result of the colonial past.

europe but britain did british things

Manav | avoid unnecessary messaging me
I am not saying all problrms India faces today are...

yeah , the problem with Pakistan i think that country is still under invasion and others just using those borders to spread corruption and so many bad things

europe but britain did british things

The british of the past used to love straight lines haha.

Manav | avoid unnecessary messaging me
The british of the past used to love straight line...

you can see they grew up on an island drawing land borders should be a mandatory course for every british citizen

you can see they grew up on an island drawing lan...

Well i get their point that Indians can't blame British for everything. For instance, the problems of shitty education system in India is of our own making.

Manav | avoid unnecessary messaging me
Well i get their point that Indians can't blame Br...

You can blame all you want, that won't fix anything anyway They won't help india to get out of it's situation nor are even able to do so

Yeah that is true. It's a reality we have to deal with. I think Indians are doing fine. The general populace in India doesn't blame the British anyways for these things.

Manav | avoid unnecessary messaging me
Yeah that is true. It's a reality we have to deal ...

I also think indias economy will have more long term success than chinas

I also think indias economy will have more long te...

It'll take India some 40 - 50 odd years to catch up to China. For a faster growth we'll need double digit gdp growth. But i think India would be at a reasonable positon if we're half as big of an economy as China is.

Manav | avoid unnecessary messaging me
It'll take India some 40 - 50 odd years to catch u...

just imagine what india could provide to the world if the economy rises

just imagine what india could provide to the world...

I think it's the same as any country provides. Economic prosperity is always good. We should be hopeful yes but not blind to reality imo. Anyways i think i've dragged this topic too long by getting too invested in this.

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