169 похожих чатов

Anbody tried connecting to their banks API directly? like fuck stripe,

paypal,... and their transaction fees

can't I give my bank account number to my users and query over the API what transactions I have and confirm them? (in my app)

12 ответов

8 просмотров

I worked with stripe and you can get account transactions

Daniel- Автор вопроса
I worked with stripe and you can get account trans...

I know, stripe is even better but I don't want to pay their ridicolous transaction fees

Daniel- Автор вопроса

which brings me back to my question: does anybody have experience in this?

not sure if those apis are accessible

which brings me back to my question: does anybody ...

https://github.com/Sbanken/api-examples/blob/master/NodeSampleApplication/service/sbankenapi.js https://github.com/Sbanken

My bank has an special api for companies for that.

Daniel- Автор вопроса
Daniel- Автор вопроса

Please change over to euro so I can switch banks 🥲

Daniel- Автор вопроса
My bank has an special api for companies for that.

And are you in the Eurozone? Pretty sure my client would be willing to switch banks if that means his wife doesn't have to manually type thousands of bank transactions at home to save on transaction fees

And are you in the Eurozone? Pretty sure my clien...

CSV export would already improve this at least

Can I ask which bank you have?

Sparkasse(german group of small banks, they share a brand, but if one of them goes broke, the others are safe).

Daniel- Автор вопроса
Sparkasse(german group of small banks, they share ...

my client is literally on sparkasse George Business

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