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What'S with all the alien stuff rn, do you think

they're trying to hide something or is it just real?

21 ответов

6 просмотров

Alien stuff? What hype did I miss there? 😅

just someone wanting their five minutes of fame

Eduard-Rivas Автор вопроса
⟨ Simon | Schürrle ⟩
just someone wanting their five minutes of fame

Yeah that's exactly what I think, and they're maybe trying to disguise the chaos going on

I want that what you have smoked xD

Eduard-Rivas Автор вопроса

If alien were here, you wouldn’t exist rn

Eduard-Rivas Автор вопроса
If alien were here, you wouldn’t exist rn

What if they were here first but for some reason now they're extinct?

Eduard-Rivas Автор вопроса
No way, you know the panspermia theory

You know the flat earth theory? 😆

Eduard Rivas
You know the flat earth theory? 😆

At least panspermia could be real

I'd be very concerned if aliens actually end up existing, and ever will or did already visit. What if they are expansionist and have an "us versus them" mentality like we do? If they have the means to visit us from as far away as outside our solar system, they'd be literal gods compared to us. And we'd just be like ants. We wouldn't stand a chance against them, they might just blow up our entire planet because they feel like it. Or maybe they are such an advanced civilization that they ascended beyond our comparatively primitive mindset. Or maybe they just couldn't care less. Who knows. I do find the picture to be too conveniently close to what we've been presented with in movies for the past 50 years though. I'd imagine for aliens to look a lot more diverse than that, just like the other species that walk, fly, and swim on our planet. So personally, I'm not buying this.

I'd be very concerned if aliens actually end up ex...

I mean if we'd find aliens first we'd also just exploit the shit out of them if we could

Eduard-Rivas Автор вопроса
I'd be very concerned if aliens actually end up ex...

I think this is a bit insane, but I really think we are the product of them and the 5th dimension actually exist and they might live/exist/whatever they call it, there I've experienced some weird things before and I'm not the only one Afaik, people call the experience I lived an astral projection/travel and it was the most scariest/exciting thing I ever lived and no, it wasn't a bad dream/nightmare/sleep paralysis or whatever people call it, I had many of those and is way different than this astral thing Since that day I adopted the agnostic position, I was some kind of atheist before but that experience changed everything And no, I'm not crazy. xD

Eduard-Rivas Автор вопроса
I want that you have smoked today

Haven't smoked in 10 years I guess, so nope...

Eduard-Rivas Автор вопроса
never mind, it is a local slang XD

I know it, but they don't, so just to clarify

Eduard-Rivas Автор вопроса
harꭑony5 (⊙ ◡ ⦿︎) ↺
Others might call it an acid trip… ⍩

I never tried acid, just pot and it was like university times xD

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