169 похожих чатов

Hey guys help me out I did a noobie mistake. I

made multiple GitHub accounts on the same machine.
I'm new to all this and I created 3 GitHub accounts.
1st is my main account where I manage personal stuff
2nd I had made an account to host project on heroku maybe more than a few months ago
3rd I made now because I was following a course and it required me to make a GitHub account and instead of using existing ones I created a new to seperate my stuff.
Now I'm not able to connect the 3rd account to GitHub repo of the course because because it shows this account is spam. Now should I delete this 3rd and 2nd account so that it would not affect my 1st main account or what should I do ?

1 ответов

5 просмотров

Just to be sure, do you mean github account or the email you add to git cli?

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