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In a chat application when the user goes offline and

come online again a web socket connection is made
And the messages which was sent when the user was offline will be send to user
So when should I send those messages, should I let the user send any timestamp requesting that they want messages after this timestamp? Or the server send upon the socket connection
If that’s the case then for multi login I won’t get the messages in other phone
If i want to send the timestamp, then I need to send the timestamp of all the chats and get the message
Is there any other method to do this ?

4 ответов

12 просмотров

Websocket for realtime events, pull for historic events.

Athul-N Автор вопроса
Websocket for realtime events, pull for historic e...

You mean a normal http rest api to get old messages ?

Athul N
You mean a normal http rest api to get old message...

Yes. You keep the realtime code seperated from historic events. The client can listen for current events and the server can query the messages from the database in the background.

Athul-N Автор вопроса
Yes. You keep the realtime code seperated from his...

But I want to first show all the old messages and then the new messages

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