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Regarding code assistance from ChatGPT (which honestly is extremely promising,

I'd consider it apprentice-like), I also have the question below. I've used its modified output to create the years representation in the above script's output. I've asked this question elsewhere earlier, without answers.

"I can't help but ask questions about its copyright terms though. Suppose that I include this code into something that would eventually become public, under a commercial license. Could I reasonably claim copyright over this, be it with or without the adjustments to make it fit into my own code base? I'm not sure if this is owned by the AI, myself, the company that runs the AI (now Microsoft), or nobody at all. I'm not even sure if legislation on this matter exists yet."

3 ответов

24 просмотра

Ai gov regulations were being talked about in the us. You might wanna search about that

Vim- Автор вопроса

Thank you! The US does seem to be among the first to take note of the potential impact of AI, and regulations on the matter. With that said though, I am an EU citizen (Belgium). While it's still uncertain whether I'd incorporate in my own country and register my code accordingly, this is most likely the jurisdiction I'd have to focus on most closely. I'd suspect that this would be EU-level legislation rather than national, especially considering that the EU organs headquarter in Brussels, Belgium. I'm subscribed to the EU Commission's press mailing list, but haven't seen any such communications from there lately. The latest thing I've seen from there was the Chips Act, which I chimed in to. Are you aware of any legislation on these levels?

Thank you! The US does seem to be among the first ...

Don't think it has anything to do with the US gov, it's just big corporations lobbying to get AI regulated

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