169 похожих чатов

Hi, guys need a sane person to answer this simple

question. Stackoverflow here, here and here is filled with people answering their own hallucinated questions which is somehow influencing chatgpt 's responses

I know this guide exists but that's not the answer. Also https encrypting is not it, when ISP can possibly view the URL and see the link leads to silkroad

If I where to call my ISP whilst using Tor Browser, would they be able to tell what URL I visited, and yes, I being the sole user of that IP address they allocated my router?

Q rephrased.
For those that find it hard to comprehend something as simple as Tor just like me, the question is:

Does Tor Browser encrypt the URL I request on my machine and send an encrypted request to a seemingly random URL (ISP snooping here) or the URL is encrypted on the first Tor Network Node the request is sent to (ISP clearly sees I am on silkroad)?

9 ответов

38 просмотров

No, because it's prevented even on TLS level, domain yes, though that's not necessarily the case with TLS 1.3.

only if you are having a dns leak


Martin Rys
No, because it's prevented even on TLS level, doma...

With 1.3, you mean with something like ECH?

only if you are having a dns leak

Depending on the TLS configuration, the SNI would be plain text

Depending on the TLS configuration, the SNI would ...

(most websites do not use ECH which encrypts the SNI)

Sid Sun // 👾
tbf, ECH is fairly new

Yup. I'm sure adoption will rise in a few years.

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