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A few times when I start a side project, I

struggle to get it finished (like who doesn't). Can anyone share any tips?

7 ответов

9 просмотров

do you struggle with perfectionism? like either it should be perfect or jusg leave it, or restart it from scratch again or something?

Agent Q-| You PM me, You Pay Автор вопроса
do you struggle with perfectionism? like either it...

Not really. More like struggling with consistency. Can't keep going because I keep getting stuck and had to restart or I get stuck and did a lot of changes that digresses from the original idea. I like the idea of downsizing/downscaling the requirements but eventually I just can't keep going.

Agent Q-| You PM me, You Pay Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
How do you react to caffeine

Indifferent. Like I can live without it

The goal is not to finish, but the goal is to learn. If you finish but don't learn is wasting time. But if you finish 20% but learn 80% new things, that is success

Agent Q | You PM me, You Pay
Indifferent. Like I can live without it

That's your opinion, but what's the effect on you

Agent Q-| You PM me, You Pay Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
That's your opinion, but what's the effect on you

Oh. It doesn't do much. It'll give me a waking sensation but it won't last. I just had 3 cups of coffee today only because I can and so far, that doesn't do anything much after the first cup. Just drink to enjoy it I guess but not that I would seek out for more coffee.

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