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I tried installing windows 11 on a new machine and

it failed halfway due to corrupted files or smth. Now there's a new partition with only 116mb of storage that I can't do anything about (delete or format ...); Any advice?

11 ответов

28 просмотров

Did you verify the ISO checksum? Did you try a different flash drive? How are you creating the bootable?

Senator- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
Did you verify the ISO checksum? Did you try a dif...

Thanks for answering, but I was able to get it up and running. One of the .rar files were corrupted and repairing it let me install windows successfully. What was strange that when I removed the usb, that 116mb drive also disappeared from file explorer and there's only one drive now.

Senator- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
RAR files?????

Downloading stuff from the servers inside the country costs half the bandwidth. They're not manipulated I'm not that stupid 😅

Downloading stuff from the servers inside the coun...

How would it cost half the bandwidth? What was the checksum since you've apparently verified it?

Senator- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
How would it cost half the bandwidth? What was th...

Idk honestly it's just a government plan/scheme or whatever, and internet is very expensive here so I had no other choice. I didn't but everybody trusts that website 😅 they actually directly download the ISO from Microsoft and then partition it to RAR files

Idk honestly it's just a government plan/scheme or...

You got duped, the ISO from Microsoft is already compressed, download the legit one, verify it is legit, reinstall.

Senator- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
You got duped, the ISO from Microsoft is already c...

Especially since the data that the installer uses is already compressed.

Trust me it's ok

Yeah I am sure that something that some random dude ran through proprietary russian software and you didn't verify the integrity of is completely A-Okay.

Senator- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
Yeah I am sure that something that some random dud...

The website is the most popular hosting of softwares + I don't have any other choices either especially with bandwidth costing an arm and a leg here

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