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Hey guys, I've been reading some opinions about what lang/platform/framework

to learn mobile development, but all of them seems biased. Is there an objective resource you may know to get information from, so I can make a better choice?

I'm a .NET Developer, so I want to leverage my C# knowledge to develop mobile apps, but Xamarin isn't very well accepted and considered for many as a failure from microsoft, so I'm not sure if I should learn it because I'm worried it could be deprecated or closed in some years and all that knowledge/time being lost

Considering that, what will be a better choice? I'm interested in web3, blockchain, etc and videogames but it seems unwise trying to implement everything in once lang/tech stack.

I want to do this this way because I'm taking the "solo entrepreneurship" journey, and I must do things quickly otherwise I will just starve, lol

P.D.: .NET MAUI has even worse popularity even among .NET developers

5 ответов

40 просмотров

Can you say it briefly?

Eduard-Rivas Автор вопроса
Malware (\/ /\ R |_| |\|)
Can you say it briefly?

The first paragraph sums it up, all the rest is just my background and considerations

Xamarin has been around since 2011 and still going, and there's jobs for it, ive known people that worked regularly with it as recent as 2022 (lost contact, so don't know if they still work with it). Also, give maui some chance, it's only been less than ~2yrs since it released.

Eduard-Rivas Автор вопроса
harꭑony5 (⊙ ◡ ⦿︎) ↺
Xamarin has been around since 2011 and still going...

Do you have an useful resource where I can compare the market share or something similar, for instance? I want to try to make the most safe bet possible and leverage on my current knowledge so the learning curve won't be that long

Eduard Rivas
Do you have an useful resource where I can compare...

Check job postings for mobile devs and make a list of the skills listed on those sorted by how many job vacancies had them

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