169 похожих чатов

I have a problem with git's post-recieve hook; can anyone

help me?
basically I have an array of files; if any of those files have changed I want that hook to push those files to another repo.
no, I can't put up a mirror, since the two repos have two different codebases but share some files.
as of now we manually use a .bat script (guess how legacy this is :P), but I would like git to do that sync on push automatically. is it even achievable? I tried a script that:
instantiates the array
clones the two repos in $(mkemp -d)
for file in $FILES[@];do cp -f temp/repo1 temp/repo2; done
cd repo2; git add ./*; git commit -m 'autosync commit done on date +...'; git push
but it does not work; it says that repo2 is not a git directory
now, this solution is terrible, I know, so feel free to insult me for it, but can someone help me? I'm fairly experienced in bash scripts and git, but I have no idea on how to structure the post-recieve hook..

1 ответов

25 просмотров

brother, look into submodules and dependabot

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