169 похожих чатов

When i don't know what to write. so what should

i do?

15 ответов

12 просмотров

Start writing. Or ask ChatGPT

Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Start writing. Or ask ChatGPT

i want myself fix those problem not chatgpt not anyone else.

Just imagine you're your own enemy. And it will start flowing like a river does.

Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса
Witold 🖤🩶
Just imagine you're your own enemy. And it will st...

i don't know what's that mean. but first i want to be sure that i am master of anything then go to leetcode and prove that,

Mr Thieves
i don't know what's that mean. but first i want to...

I''m not good at leetcode. What does it mean to you, design in leetcode?

Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса
Witold 🖤🩶
I''m not good at leetcode. What does it mean to yo...

me too. even easy question was hard for me. still confiused what do you mean design in leetcode?

Mr Thieves
i don't know what's that mean. but first i want to...

Nobody will be master of everything. There is no point that says "now you are master, go test at Leetcode". Even the master chess player is defeated by the computer. If they are really master, nothing will ever beat them. The journey is more important than the destination of "master"

Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Nobody will be master of everything. There is no p...

maybe master was wrong word for that. what i mean by that is that i know a lot of things and have a lot of experience that i can build any type of app (desktop, web, network anything).

Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса
Witold 🖤🩶
Maybe start with a cheatsheet first?

sorry for this but what do you mean?

Mr Thieves
sorry for this but what do you mean?

https://leetcode.com/explore/interview/card/cheatsheets/ Is this something, you've to login for?

Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса
Witold 🖤🩶

i always go to this page. https://leetcode.com/problemset/

Mr Thieves
i always go to this page. https://leetcode.com/pro...

good luck with that. I'm curious what will come out soon. Give yourself a week or set a timer for 1 hour.

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