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I want to implement a "switch to user" function for

admins for one of my clients webapp. It should be used by employees for easier support when users have a problem with the webapp.
My client however raised GDPR concerns about doing that. I don't see anything wrong with that given we own the data already and would fix it now directly on the database or by me resetting the users password temporarely and doing a normal login.

That he asked me now already 3x if this is really ok (apparently because there were issues with it in a company he once worked for) I thought maybe someone here knows how to handle this properly?

Another client of mine was also hesistant to implement this and went with the approach to tell the user to specifically enable "allow remote support access to your account" checkbox which is disabled by default in his account settings.

Is this really a big deal? How is this treated at your companies, any experiences?

4 ответов

22 просмотра

You should watch https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27867155/

In short; it depends a lot on what exactly the users do in the webapp

Daniel- Автор вопроса
In short; it depends a lot on what exactly the use...

mostly uploading (webapp users publicly viewable) pictures/videos or maybe buying something in the webshop but calling cause "thing X doesn't work" (which might be an actual bug to checkout or just user stupidity)

mostly uploading (webapp users publicly viewable) ...

That's definitely completely out of the question then

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