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Is there any way to know how much i know

about programming? in %? i mean for example if i know anything about variable i know 10% of it, i know loops that means 25% of it and so on.


is there any one page resource for c#, html, css, js and react that i look at it and see if there is any necessary topic that i need to know or not? that resource it should cover everything that any programmer should know not all of it. for example in none of my project i used socket programming. i don't care about that.
and don't tell me to go microsoft doc i don't like it. for me it's just like that docs is for someone that are pro and it's just for him/her to recap it.

11 ответов

47 просмотров

For 1, there's no way to quantify it. To have a %, you'd need to know how much programming knowledge there is, but there's no limit to that, as it is continually evolving (as all fields of knowledge). For 2, you'd need to know what specifically you want to do. If you want to do frontend dev, then you wouldn't necesarilly need to know about low level dev, or vice versa, for exsmple.



Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса
harꭑony5 ¯\_㋡_/¯ ↺
For 1, there's no way to quantify it. To have a %,...

1. somethings are basic like var, loops, method, class, oop, etc etc this is something that never changed. i am talking about this. not any technology like blazor, asp, etc. 2. i want to do full stack dev. so i want to know anything that needs for that. i can build simple app like todo list app. but i need first to know anything that i need then move to advanced project. why i want to do this? because i want to know anything that's need to write good/clean program. for example in some where i saw that create this with TDD, BDD, AAA, CCCC and a lot of things that i don't know. so if there is any good resource for that. i need it thanks. and for microsoft doc as i said it's just like for pro that someone mastered and for any reason that forgot it then go to that place and look to it. but i like react docs and javascript info site, it's for absolute beginner.

Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса


Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса

to example TDD means Test Driven Development.

Mr Thieves
to example TDD means Test Driven Development.

What i meant is that I have trouble reading your english, sorry…

Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса
harꭑony5 ¯\_㋡_/¯ ↺
What i meant is that I have trouble reading your e...

no problem sorry for that too. my english is not good.

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