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Hey Does anyone know how can I receive push notifications from

Github on my account?

The official Github android app doesn't send notifications, and I don't use the email because of spam mails

11 ответов

38 просмотров

Email, deal with your spam problem

Jacob- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
Email, deal with your spam problem

How can I deal with many (thousands) of different spammy companies? Even if I'll remove all, every new register add more spam

How can I deal with many (thousands) of different ...

Use an email provider that has a spam filter

How can I deal with many (thousands) of different ...

What do you mean by every new registration means more spam... You subscribe to email and then you get "spam"?

Jacob- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
Use an email provider that has a spam filter

I'm thinking of doing it, though not sure if it will be headache to migrate

How can I deal with many (thousands) of different ...

I am sure that you can configure which emails you want or not to be sent to you

Jacob- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
What do you mean by every new registration means m...

Almost every new website/some dev tool which i register to with google login, then they send me ads / marketing emails

Almost every new website/some dev tool which i reg...

Yeah... you give them permission to do that... take it away?

Jacob- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
Yeah... you give them permission to do that... tak...

I have thousands since 2015 And as I said I'll need to deal with that as long as I continue register

I have thousands since 2015 And as I said I'll ne...

Yeah thousands of emails in a decade sounds about right, sounds like you have an organizing problem, not a spam problem.

Jacob- Автор вопроса

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