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Sometimes I like to solve problems the hard way. What

do I mean?
You know many problems can be fixed by restarting the system, but how much do you learn about the system? Pretty much nothing.
But if you investigate the problem and start fixing it you learn a damn lot about the system as you progress. The more complicated the problem the better.

For example I have the problem that when my laptop wakes up from sleep and I logged in the screen went black - normally I just restarted, but today I tried to fix it:
I first tried to restart lightdm and while that worked I discovered networks aren't working and had some problems that when fixed unleashed the next problem. But I kept learning about the problems and how the components work together and fixed one problem after the other after finally all problems were fixed. I learned so much doing this and also I could've fixed it way easier this was way more educating!

4 ответов

45 просмотров

This only works with Linux. I would suggest you try a DM that's not a reinvented wheel, which is what LightDM is, by Canonical. Good stuff though

Matthias-Hoffmann Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
This only works with Linux. I would suggest you t...

1.: Yeah 2.: Maybe on other systems. This is only my alternative while my desktop is not working (hardware work). On the long term this laptop shall not have a OS installed on it but run only on live systems specialized on privacy. So this OS will be obsolete then.

Matthias Hoffmann
1.: Yeah 2.: Maybe on other systems. This is only ...

On other systems you're shit out of luck, can't fix it even if you knew how

Matthias-Hoffmann Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
On other systems you're shit out of luck, can't fi...

Nah with other systems I didn't meant non-Linux systems. I referred to the suggestion not using lightdm and "other systems" meant other installations (of Linux) in this case. You're right, if it weren't Linux there would be no way doing such things (well you could still try, but learning about proprietary systems includes a lot of breaking things to reverse engineer them, learning about Linux is way easier because it's open source and well documented - that's why I love it)

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