video compression on the client side
I was going to use ffmpeg but ffmpeg itself has 31 mb itself and has to be downloaded everytime, don't you know a smaller package for this?
ffmpeg is big because a lot of functionalities but I only need something to be able to compress mp4 and 1 or 2 more popular video formats
Do you know any?
You can build ffmpeg to only support what you need.
use WASM in a different web worker and write something more minimal in rust or c
Well I don't know rusy or c
For this, I need to know other languages which I don't
you literally dont need to know C or C++ for it, you can select which stuff you want from the configuration script
Interesting, I thought I need to build it from the beginning with the needed properties I didn't find any doc for this though, I'll look into it
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