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Good morning devs I'm trying the solo entrepreneurship road, which is

basically running a couple of projects and sell them to some customers.

But for that I need a business email to send confirmation emails for registration, password reset, etc for each domain.

So, for this I'm using Zoho.

Somebody tried Zoho paid subscription? or any other company like this?

As far as I can see, I have to pay a license for each user of each domain I register there.

I could have multiple domains if I buy a license

But each user needs a license, is this correct for all other companies like zoho? Or is there any alternative? How do you handle scenarios like this?

8 ответов

57 просмотров


hey you use the zoho crm and zoho crm plus for trial

D-H Автор вопроса

And when I tried to buy a license then a message appeared talking about paying a license for each user of each domain

most of the domain registrar offers email forwarding, you can use that to get a business email. for example, porkbun offers upto 20 email forwarding. contact@example.com → lalala_007@gmail.com

D-H Автор вопроса
how about sending?

oh yeah, thats the catch.

how about sending?

okay, check these out https://free-for.dev/#/?id=email https://www.rajatdhoot.com/blog/free-custom-domain-emails https://x.com/JackCulpan/status/1785349654131183775

D-H Автор вопроса

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