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Why some site like google has separate page for username/email

and password?

21 ответов

57 просмотров

It is because of federated auth, where you just need the email to redirect to the SAML service. Otherwise you type password

Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса
It is because of federated auth, where you just ne...

so for when we just need password and nothing else we should use in same page right?

It is because of federated auth, where you just ne...

I think that's not what they're talking about. They're asking why does when you sign into gmail, the site (gmail.com / google) first asks you for your username on one page/form, then for the password on another.

That makes sense heh

Isn't federated auth for when a site other than google wants to use google login?it wouldn't make much sense that google uses it on their own site

harꭑony5 🪷 ↺
Isn't federated auth for when a site other than go...

Google uses Google as an idp in the same way federated auth works with 3rd party oauth providers

Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса
harꭑony5 🪷 ↺
I think that's not what they're talking about. The...

exactly. i want to know why. for security? like hacking account or for better design (ui/ux) or aniother reason

harꭑony5 🪷 ↺
Isn't federated auth for when a site other than go...

Google Business stuff probably lets you self host

Raptor Blue Bear
Google uses Google as an idp in the same way feder...

Ok. Still doesn't answer why google separates its login page into 2 forms (1 for username, 1 for password), which probably is just some ux sillyness.

harꭑony5 🪷 ↺
Ok. Still doesn't answer why google separates its ...

Google can use another identity provider to authenticate. When you type in your username, it detects if it needs to redirect you to a third party IDP. This is usually used in enterprise settings.

harꭑony5 🪷 ↺
Ok. Still doesn't answer why google separates its ...

Simple, it doesn't know which IdP to use until you've supplied it with your username

TL;DR: if you don't know why, don't split them into two pages. You will know if you need to

Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса
TL;DR: if you don't know why, don't split them int...

but i want to know now. i don't know when and how i will know about that

Mr Thieves
but i want to know now. i don't know when and how ...

When your login page needs to redirect the user to other login pages based on the users' email

Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса
When your login page needs to redirect the user to...

why someone need do that. when we use our own auth why should i split it two separate page.

Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса

and for example if i need google auth, github auth and anything like that i will use another button for each one of them

Yes, but Google auth isn't Google auth

It's: * Google (personal account) * Google business account for @company-x.com (own server) * Google business account for @company-y.com (own server) * ...

Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса
It's: * Google (personal account) * Google busines...

so when we enter our email then google will know which page should redirect right?

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