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Why does tiktok give you other information of a profile

on mobilephone than the desktop, if someone mind me asking?

11 ответов

16 просмотров

because you shouldn't use tiktok at all :)

Witold-♥️🩷 Автор вопроса
Witold-♥️🩷 Автор вопроса
Witold ♥️🩷
Why not?


Witold-♥️🩷 Автор вопроса
Roman Sharkov
it is dangerous.

√ Aside from the obvious fact that this application spies on us, just like any other device, do you have any other concerns about the impact between an organism from the real world and the digital universe?

Witold ♥️🩷
√ Aside from the obvious fact that this applicatio...

it doesn't just spy, it tries to influence public opinion. Basically like any social network really, but the worst part about TikTok is that it's directly controlled by one of the most powerful authoritarian regimes out there, the CCP. I personally try to avoid any social network really. I'm only using Telegram, GitHub and YouTube nowadays.

Witold-♥️🩷 Автор вопроса
Roman Sharkov
it doesn't just spy, it tries to influence public ...

Do you know more about the influence Algorithm of TikTok?

Roman Sharkov
it doesn't just spy, it tries to influence public ...

I personally don't believe this. I believe this is just a narrative by the other social media and/or the US government. Anything come from China is not good for USA, they said, but China is one of the biggest lender to USA

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
I personally don't believe this. I believe this is...

no big social network is good for you :) neither american, nor chinese, nor any other country

Witold-♥️🩷 Автор вопроса
Roman Sharkov
no big social network is good for you :) neither ...

What is more dangeours than a big social network?

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