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Is it really that hard that no one/group/company build new

Operation System? for phone, system, both, etc?

19 ответов

17 просмотров

they do...

Huawei already created their HarmonyOS. Read about it. ReactOS while trying to be Windows compatible, is really not Windows

Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса
Mr Thieves
HOS is android. as far as i know.

No. Initially it is based on Android, but the most recent one is not. It is now multikernel

Not Linux. Read in Wikipedia and check their website

Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса
Mr Thieves
so it's new OS and support android applications?

The latest one they said they are removing Android app support, so developer have to intentionally target their HarmonyOS environment

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Huawei already created their HarmonyOS. Read about...

Isn't harmonyOS just another linux/android derivative?

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Who said?

ReactOS Team. The project is "in a state of paralysis"

Raptor Blue Bear
ReactOS Team. The project is "in a state of paraly...

I read this and see a great progress: https://reactos.org/blogs/newsletter-104/

its hard 🥺

Mr-Thieves Автор вопроса
Mat Lumin
its hard 🥺

it's hard and it's shame (in my opinion) that it's that hard that companies can do what they want with OS.

Raptor Blue Bear
Yes, none of this has actually made it to a releas...

Yup. As a highly volatile under development code, if people want to try they should use nightly. And it is correct you basically cannot use it in practical right now. Even latest Firefox is not running, because they broadcast the compatible version as NT5

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