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Anyone ever had an issue on testnet where fees aren't

being applied ?

5 ответов

10 просмотров
.-Bees Автор вопроса

I've transferred from owner wallet A to wallet B, from wallet B to wallet C, no fees are getting applied to any transferred tokens between wallets in testnet. But all feed are set, there's no function to limit fees, only wallet excluded from fees is owner and marketing wallet.

.-Bees Автор вопроса

https://bscscan.com/token/0x7B5B3BC6890c1dE78FeDE739C1b02D2e51B1b58c This is contract I've forked into test net. First time playing with one of these earn token contracts.

There is something fucking around with the testnet router, but fees should be deducted still

Try sending tokens with a different account to owner. Also have you added testnet router address? Some contracts compile with mainnet router most don’t though.

.-Bees Автор вопроса

I've done that. I've sent from owner to another wallet, and from that wallet to another and back to owner, none work. Also, yeah I changed the pancakeswap router to testnet router... Maybe I'm using the wrong router, there's two testnet routers right ? Which testnet router is v2

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