169 похожих чатов

What is the reasonable time I can take to think

after receiving a job offer?

11 ответов

10 просмотров

probably logarithmic O(log *n)

Flip a coin, you will have your answer before it falls

They'll usually say. "We'd like an answer by x date"

Oh, big tip : never accept a counter offer.

a month at max, but usually the recruiters would tell you the deadline

Ender- Автор вопроса
Raptor Blue Bear
Oh, big tip : never accept a counter offer.

You mean counter offer from my current company?

Ender- Автор вопроса
Raptor Blue Bear
Yes, never.

I wasn't going to, but still curious about your reasons for this :)

I wasn't going to, but still curious about your re...

probably the 'too little, too late' prognosis wherein if they actually cared/asked you what you wanted prior to you deciding to leave, you wouldn't be wanting to leave

Ender- Автор вопроса
probably the 'too little, too late' prognosis wher...

LOL, I just wanted to modify and upstream existing drivers licensed under GPL

I wasn't going to, but still curious about your re...

Nothing changes except your salary. The underlying issues that prompted you to consider other job opportunities will remain there. You have not been paid what you are worth for. If your employer is willing to adjust your salary when you “threaten” to resign, then your employer is knowingly underpaying you for your talent and efforts, an indication of non-appreciation of their employees.

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