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Hello everyone, dear friends, this is first of all not

an advertisement but an invitation, I am the official Ambassador of the Forta protocol project.
We are Forta, the first community-based decentralized security network for smart contracts, we will share how Forta could prevent the $ 600M Poly Network from being hacked, I need web 3 enthusiasts and developers.
What do you get?
1 An opportunity to test a startup that solves very important problems and will not be replaceable in the market
2 High-quality networking and an amazing large community of developers, you can communicate, find new friends and make new connections that will help you in your developer career
3 You will have a great opportunity to do what you like in the field of web3 and receive decent monetary rewards and devote a minimum of time to your favorite pastime

You need knowledge of Javascript SDK or Python SDK
Basic understanding of Ethereum and smart contracts
If you want to participate in the test network of our product and contribute to the community and become part of this community and find friends and colleagues with the same interests, write to me in ls

2 ответов

13 просмотров

please send it here @ethereum_jobs_market

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