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In my family have a kid that use android smart


we want to block porn websites on kid's smart phone

i used android 10 "private dns" feature and set adult-filter-dns.cleanbrowsing.org dns and it can block porn perfectly

but kid can find private dns in mobile settings and disable it😑

how can i lock private dns feature for ever?

20 ответов

6 просмотров

Set it on the wifi

And take away their sim data card

Abolfazl- Автор вопроса
Agent Q | PM me for Paid Support
Set it on the wifi

we have not wifi only sim card data 🤕

Abolfazl- Автор вопроса
Agent Q | PM me for Paid Support
And take away their sim data card

are there any way to remove private dns activity?

Short answer: lol Long answer: you cannot block a kid out of porn. They will figure out a way around. Why not talk to them and educate them on the harms of porn and addictions?

Maybe you can apply blacklists on the router level. But as others said, educating them is the best way to go

There is no winning that

Maybe you can apply blacklists on the router level...

Blacklist of what? Do you have a list of all porn sites?

W8 how can porn harm?

I’m not going to discuss it here but basically there’s two schools of thought: one thinks porn is freedom, the other thinks porn is slavery. My mum is the first kind. This guy is clearly the second.


For more info you can read “your brain on porn” the book

set up parental controls?

Steel Sword
Blacklist of what? Do you have a list of all porn ...

I don't but there are some public hosts file on github that has a list of those

Steel Sword
Blacklist of what? Do you have a list of all porn ...

https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts/tree/master/alternates/porn See the hosts file here

Steel Sword
The interner doesn't stop surprising me

Well a lot of people use pihole, adguard and stuff. So they can just add these hosts file there. I don't see anything wrong

W8 how can porn harm?

because everything they do in port in almost never applicable in real life

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