169 похожих чатов

Guys can any body tell me a group about photography?

25 ответов

6 просмотров

Photography is not on the list, the community is still growing, but I don't think photography is related to programming lol

Inb4 banned

The bot autowarns you and the next bright idea is to walk around the bot?

Ulven - Old account
The dude asked for a photography group though

If I'll ask for a picture of a nude persian chick will you post it here or wait for the next bot to do the job for you?

GGorAA 🇨🇿🇺🇦
this is not how it works

Give it 15 minutes and some ❤️🍆 bot will prove me right.

Damn, if only the warn redirected you to like a list of rules you could read. That'd be handy.

Martin Rys
Damn, if only the warn redirected you to like a li...

i feel like that doesn't mandate being passive aggressive

Then keep group links to PMs next time please.

Ehsan- Автор вопроса
Friday Candour [ask before dm] Candour
Photography is not on the list, the community is s...

Yes it's not about programming but a programmer wants to be a photographer and must ask question somewhere ;)

Ehsan- Автор вопроса

How do you use Telegram? VPN?

Ehsan- Автор вопроса
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There is one more sticker in this pack for Iran. That truly represents Iran.

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