169 похожих чатов

Heya, I need to replace my laptop's battery, storeshoppe has

it for cheap, the OEM is asking way too much, over twice as much; anyone have experience with them? Seems fine to me

13 ответов

19 просмотров
Sid Sun-// 👾 Автор вопроса

It's an HP BTW, Omen 15 2017

Read reviews and read them carefully. Why the hell are you replacing a 3 year old battery though?

Sid Sun-// 👾 Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
Read reviews and read them carefully. Why the hell...

Reviews for my particular battery don't exist

Sid Sun // 👾
Reviews for my particular battery don't exist

Well be wary then, you may have to end up paying once for knockoff and once again for OEM when you figure out the knockoff is ass.

Sid Sun-// 👾 Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
Well be wary then, you may have to end up paying o...

Well, that's why I'm asking 😅 They sort of seem legit as far as I can tell. There are a few on AliExpress but they seem more sketchy

Sid Sun // 👾
Well, that's why I'm asking 😅 They sort of seem le...

buy something with high number of orders and good ratings from aliexpress.. but right now(assuming you are in india), you can't do that.

Sid Sun-// 👾 Автор вопроса
Ishan Jain
buy something with high number of orders and good ...

Why not? The one with highest reviews is in fact not shipping to IN

Sid Sun // 👾
Why not? The one with highest reviews is in fact n...

govt. ban. Aliexpress won't let you buy something and have it shipped to india. In some cases, You can talk to the seller and they'll ship it from HK through some other means but that's risky.

Sid Sun-// 👾 Автор вопроса
Ishan Jain
govt. ban. Aliexpress won't let you buy something...

Fuck the government man :| Idiots keep meddling with shit and fucking it up

Sid Sun-// 👾 Автор вопроса
nothing from aliexpress ships to india

Not even if I declare my home a sovereign state?

Sid Sun // 👾
Not even if I declare my home a sovereign state?

Needs another sovereign state to recognise your claim, preferably China in this case

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