169 похожих чатов

Hello, by any chance is anyone here able to help

me with my AWS CloudFormation configuration? I seem to be lacking permissions to ssh into my EC2 instances https://gist.github.com/zackteo/cc5f3d718f4ada748c1d56805cc97a37 (despite having defined a security group that open port 22, referenced in NetworkInterfaces of my EC2 instances

4 ответов

4 просмотра

What error are you getting when you try to ssh into the machine?

Zachary Teo-(zackteo) Автор вопроса
Ishan Jain
What error are you getting when you try to ssh int...

I'm simply getting a timeout (I believe that means that somewhere along the way my connection is just being blocked) - someone is suggesting I need a Internet Gateway https://www.reddit.com/r/aws/comments/k3mu8r/cloudformation_lacking_permissions_to_ssh_into/ but I'm not sure how exactly to define that in CloudFormation

Zachary Teo (zackteo)
I'm simply getting a timeout (I believe that means...

Is this the exact config you are using? If it is, You are not attaching the security group to any of the instances. https://gist.github.com/zackteo/cc5f3d718f4ada748c1d56805cc97a37#file-hdfs-spark-ec2-yaml-L110 (This line is commented and there is no such line in other instances). Deploy the app, Go the ec2 instance properties and see what security rules are attached to them.

Zachary Teo-(zackteo) Автор вопроса
Ishan Jain
Is this the exact config you are using? If it is, ...

yeap it is the exact one. I think the GroupSet part of NetworkInterface does that already and is indeed working. When I go to the instance properties, I do have the securitygroup under the security tab

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