using identified by “xxx”
Then flush privileges
In command line I can
mysql -u dev -pxxx
And it works fine!
But it doesn’t in a GUI. Connection refused.
I must be missing something obvious. Like type of connection?
Same IP?
Yes. Same machine. Using dbeaver GUI
can you install Mysql Workbench for GUI ?
Isn't there any logging options? Can you run the GUI in the terminal with --help to see if it has commands like verbose ?
I got communications link failure the last packat successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. the driver has noreceived any packets from the server
🤔 I think I had a similar problem looooong time ago. Lemme see if I bookmarked anything related to this
doing it.. brew install mysqlworkbench
yes, that's right; then set up the connnection to the database
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