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So, I'm going to start my first job experience. I'm

on my last year of computer science degree and I found two internship opportunities, one in java (spring, hibernate that I love and already know/use) and the other one in .net (hope c# and asp.net mvc). The problem is that I don't know what to choose. Speaking about .net, I would work for a really big company, a multinational, a stable IT company near my home (just what i need right now due to family problems) but I'm afraid that I will get stuck into Microsoft world and for my future I was hoping to become a Java developer, maybe for some big major.
On the other hand, choose the Java internship, I would work for a small society with no references or information about, nothing found on the web, just their (not so working) web-sites and some linkedin articles. But it would mean growing my java skills, just what I desire.

So, I'm here to ask you some advice, maybe some experiences about switching from .net to java and vice versa. I was thinking, maybe I could choose .net and improving Java skills by myself, working maybe on some solo projects and create a git repo to put inside my cv.

What do you think about? Please send me some feedbacks. Thanks!

3 ответов

5 просмотров

Java and C# are same in some basics but have different worlds, I personally prefer to master .NET technologies as it has great support for almost everyproject type and is more modern than java (they are even implementing type classes in C# 8).

C# is a fantastic language to work with, the tooling are overwhelmingly good, I won't comment on Java tech but if you have a chance to work with aspnetcore 2+, I'd recommend it so much.

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