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As I hear Binance BNB is not like 100% decentralized,

is that right ?

9 ответов

10 просмотров

Depends what you mean by decentralized. There are various types of decentralized. Bht generally in my opinion BNB is very centralized because it’s recognized by few exchanges. Meaning if binance decided to shut down or stop using BNB it would be dead (though the chance of binance shutting down in my opinion is very very small, they are making too much money. But this possibility still makes me nervous) There are other reasons why it’s centralized as well (only one node client and it’s maintained by a small team of devs of questionable competence who make big changes without much testing and transparency into their decision making such as the diffsync change a while back, as well as the fact that they have a small set of 21 validators securijg the chain)

Gerald Maximus
Depends what you mean by decentralized. There are ...

hi can you look at this contract as why they'd not use require? https://etherscan.io/address/0xb47e3cd837dDF8e4c57F05d70Ab865de6e193BBB#code

Steve ANT
hi can you look at this contract as why they'd not...

Require() was basically brand new around that time, perhaps the devs either didn't know about it or didn't want to use something newer

Javokhir-| JDSystems.uz Автор вопроса
Steve ANT
hi can you look at this contract as why they'd not...

I think difficulty of this smart contract is very basic, right ?

Gerald Maximus

Did you block me?

Javokhir | JDSystems.uz
I think difficulty of this smart contract is very ...

Ah, cryptopiunks. Yes look at the solidity version, it is very very old. @coffeeconverter is right, they probably didnt know about require or it wasnt a stable feature at the time

Dobo Nurse
Did you block me?

yes. Sending me porn == block

Gerald Maximus
Ah, cryptopiunks. Yes look at the solidity version...

I gotta see the Solidity release timeline to better see.

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