169 похожих чатов

Hi guys! How to clone new contract from this on

deposit and retrieve new contract address?

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract ConcatName {

bytes public name;

constructor(bytes memory _name) {
name = _name;

function Deposit() external payable returns(address){
return address(new ConcatName(abi.encodePacked(name, abi.encodePacked("+"))));

I want to get something

contract1.name = "hello"
contract1.deposite() = contract2 //contract2.name = "hello+"
contract1.deposite() = contract3 //contract3.name = "hello+"
contract2.deposite() = contract4 //contract4.name = "hello++"
contract4.deposite() = contract5 //contract5.name = "hello+++"
contract3.deposite() = contract6 //contract6.name = "hello++"

6 ответов

4 просмотра

two possibilities: 1/ using assembly or yulp (tough) 2/ easy way: using a factory

Co.In-🇺🇦 🔜 Автор вопроса

Sorry. Contract deployed. But after call deposit() state reverted with error

You need to have an address parameter in the constructor that takes the address of the deployed contract factory. Your current code assumes that the contract factory is deployed at msg.sender but that's just your deployer wallet address

Co.In 🇺🇦 🔜
screenshot Sorry. Contract deployed. But after call deposit()...

1/ you have to deploy the ConcatNameFactory, not the ConcatName 2/ I miss the entrypoint to enter in the loop, so in the factory’s constructor, deploy the very first ConcatContract

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